I Love the Constitution

The constitution was a result of the original Thirteen Colonies writing into the constitution states rights to protect the states and their people while giving the federal government the ability to promote the common good. Allowing dissent from the Federal, the Constitution allows states to strike out to protect states rights.

In Kit Carson County, Colorado, the commissioners made their county a sanctuary county against gun control and the sheriff stood with them. The neighboring county did the same thanks to the constitution.

The main thing we need to work on is the basics. This is a Republic, a nation of law. Over time this understanding has been changed to the point that even the conservative does not understand. Just because one elects the representative it has nothing to do with a Democracy. The difference is in the purpose of the voters and the representative.

Under a Democracy, the purpose is to do as the voter wants regardless of how wrong the voter may be. The purpose of the voter in a Democracy is to find a man who has nothing that will stand in the way of his giving the voter what he wants.

In a Republic, the purpose is to obey the law, not just legal laws but moral laws. The purpose of the voter is to vote for the moral man who will carry out the law. The difference between a Democracy, which often operates outside the law, and a Republic, whose purpose it is to operate within the law, constitutes a big difference in the two systems.

Today with the Biden administration trying to illegally enforce a Democracy on us we are allowed to see to what extreme a Democracy can go. We see ‘law-fare’ being used to twist the interpretation of the law in order to carry out the purpose of the administration while using the legal system to tear down the opposition. We have now not only bad judges but also a sick legislature. Sick with the power they weald because of their sic idea of who they are and what they can get away with. Today the Fed has control of the FBI, CIA, ATF, and eventually the military if it is allowed to go that far. It is important to realize that a Democracy typically opposes the rule of law. Democracies historically give way to Dictatorships.
The most important issue is that the citizens understand that this is a Republic and that it is their duty to elect moral men who will uphold the law (the Constitution).

Hillsdale College sent out a bumper sticker saying “I Love the Constitution”. So on my stickerless bumper went the new sticker. Hillsdale promotes the Constitution by giving free online classes on the Constitution.

How Did I Come To This Understanding?

Many things in my life have set the stage for my future and have helped me to understand, better than many when certain things took place, what was going on. As a pre-teen into young adulthood, different things taught me about communism, socialism, and the importance of free enterprise in a republic, especially our Constitutional Republic.

In the Nineteen-fifties my parents were in a study group concerning the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima. In the last apparition on October 13, 1917, during a pre-announced miracle, she appeared to the three seers while over 70,000 persons observed the Miracle of the Sun when the sun danced and plunged toward the earth. Our Lady of Fatima told the children (especially Lucy, the eldest of the children to whom The Blessed Mother appeared to) that if people did not pray the Rosary and make sacrifices while asking for the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, Russia would spread her errors throughout the world. So began my understanding of Communism.

My parents were farmers in the late Nineteen-fifties. The US government was wanting to take control of farming by controlling what the farmers raised, how much they raised, what price they sold it for and what government payment they would receive. My dad called that payment a bait check because its purpose was to bait the farmer into socialism. It was decided that there would be a Wheat Referendum whereby, an election would decide if the farmers wanted the government in or out of their business.  The American Farm Bureau decided to have a very extensive educational series on what socialism and communism are and what such a socialist system would do, not just to farmers, but to the country. The educational programs were over a short period of time. My parents, having been exposed to communism through the study of Our Lady of Fatima, were very interested. So they went to the meetings and I went with them. I was probably an early teenager. The seminars were very informative. We voted against the referendum and won but the government said that although it was helpful they would continue on with their program of controlling the farmer. This is typical of socialists working towards communism.

Dad met some of the producers of the educational program and learned about the John Birch Society which was trying to expose the communist conspiracy. Mom and Dad joined the John Birch Society and went to work studying, promoting books, and helping with pamphlet mailing programs and a speaker’s bureau. I was able to hear some top-notch persons like Cleon Skousen who wrote The Naked Communist (and which I bought an autographed copy of) and the Naked Capitalist. We also heard Fr. Francis 

Fenton exposed the changes in the Catholic Church and how the communists had infiltrated the Church.

One of our common concerns was the press and how they would ignore the conservative news or slant it in the socialist communist idealism. There was a constant deterioration of the country toward socialist and communist ideas. 

I wanted to go to college but my dad didn’t want me to be under the control of such an indoctrinational schooling where you had to learn their idealism in order to get a good grade. He said I could go but that I would need to pay my own way which I did but I was too tight to pay an enemy to try and brainwash me so I soon quit. Most educated persons were getting indoctrinated especially to reject any idea of a conspiracy.

In the early eighties, California passed  Proposition 13 which put the brakes on inflation by outlawing larger tax hikes. I thought if they could not continue inflation as a means of taking control they would need to have a depression to take control. I subscribed to the Wall Street Journal so I could follow where things were going and how they were doing it. I documented what was going on and I sent a letter out to friends and close relatives stating that we were going to have a depression. Ronald Reagan had been elected and I was sure that the conspirators would bring about a depression in order to continue to stay in control. But time went on and the financial collapse didn’t happen as I had expected. Instead, industry after industry collapsed (one at a time). The Wall Street Journal kept saying that we should be fine as long as the collapse didn’t spread from one industry to the rest of the industries or we could have a depression. Banks, real estate, steel, trucking, savings and loans all went down (one at a time). I felt I had egg on my face. But I finally realized we did have a depression but one industry at a time. This was in the eighty’s. They, the conspiracy, had so much control, then, that they could control a depression in such a manner, by one industry at a time. Consider how much money could be made if you knew when which industries were going to go down and when to buy them back. While using options to put them down and to bring them up. They had to have something to call it so they called it disinflation, the first time ever they had such a thing happen. They gave Reagan the credit for it which kept the conservatives out of their hair. They had that much control then, no wonder they have so much control today. Think of all the money they made which they could use in the future to control the way they wanted things to go.

In the political field, they took control by buying who they could and financing the elections of who they wanted. It was not total but sure enough to be able to predict where things were going with near certainty. Obama, a Chicagoan, was taken to Russia by Saul Salinsky, the top communist, obviously to get Putin’s approval and support to become the president of the United States. Donald Trump brought up the fact that Obama was not a citizen and therefore could not run for president.  Obama came up with false evidence to show that he was a citizen but when he was elected he had all the records destroyed as to his schooling and such which could show who he really was. Of course, I saw Dinesh D’Souza’s production which was in the theaters exposing Obama and Curtis Bowers’ Agenda, and Agenda II which exposed the conspiracy which he calls an agenda because they are pretty open about their intent. Then later Dinesh D’Souza’s Hilary’s America was very educational. Even though they were being exposed the betrayal which had been in control for so long just kept marching on but the people were learning who the traitors were, how they work, and that their purpose is to take total control. The key point is that the normal progression is to more government control. When we see good triumphing we need to realize that God is working in our favor. 

Many religions say we deserve to be punished for all the abortions performed in this country. To some extent that is true. There is more we can and should do. But this country has been brainwashed into believing that one should not be reactive to wrong. Just be patient and it will all work out because of our false belief in the system. If people will not educate themselves and their fellow countrymen and stand up against what is wrong, wrong will triumph.

One needs to realize that God knows who has been in control. The enemy has run the schools, the entertainment industry, the news, (basically all being brainwashing establishments) and now they run most of the corporations. I do not believe God judges us as severely as what the extremists want to believe: that God is condemning us for what is wrong and that it is about all over, the end is near. No, it is not. God is merciful. And he knows who the enemy is and what he has done.

I heard about Obama supporting, financing, and arming the terrorists in Syria through  Benghazi, (evidently, this information was through the Israeli intelligence agency as our intelligence agency was ineffective) the terrorists were called ISIS (Obama called them ISIL as it was their intent to become a nation for the Arabs similar to what Israel is to the Jew). They had to destroy everything in the consulate in Benghazi including Stevenson to make sure they had destroyed all the evidence. Secretary of State Clinton was said to have had a medical condition after this and so resigned. Why shouldn’t she have a nervous breakdown? She could be prosecuted and hung for treason. But Obama was not a citizen of the United States and could plead not guilty of treason because he is not a citizen of the United States.

I had known since a young age that the United States is the target country to be brought down before the establishment of a world communist organization could take totalitarian control.

Solar Distraction

While Obama was president and Russia was hosting the Winter Olympics, the sun was putting on a spectacular display. NASA had forecast that between October and February of that year, there would be a massive solar flare maximum.

Understanding the communist ways of doing things, I was sure Obama would want to take total military control of the United States before he was to leave the office of President after two terms. He had caused most of the higher officers of the military to retire and had downgraded the rest of the military. I had been trying to figure out how this takeover would come about. The news on the internet was watched closely so I could prepare for what was coming.  The common way to prepare the population for coming events is to give notice of a lot of what is going to be happening so that the common man will think the events were what was naturally coming.

At this time the internet had a lot of articles about Corona Mass Ejections (CMEs) which are solar events consisting of large solar flares shooting out a mass of energy that travels very fast and can go out at any angle from the sun making the possibility of hitting the earth very small. This event can only hit us during the day while the earth is facing the sun. We have possibly had at least two massive CME,s, one in Canada and one in Russia though there have probably been more. These CME,s are very destructive especially in these days as they will fry all those things working off the power lines as the power lines act as antennas and collect the energy and transport it down the line. CME,s are different from an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) which is given off by an atomic bomb in that an EMP destroys computer-type devices within the line of sight of the exploded atomic bomb. It was found during nuclear tests in the Pacific that the lights were being messed up in Hawaii a long way from the test site. It is believed that an EMP set off many miles above the earth could affect the whole United States. An EMP would not just affect computers but would also cause the same damage as a CME with the damage done by the power lines collecting the energy and sending it to the ground. Most people would not know the difference. Especially if they were told that a CME was going to hit at a given time.

Many amateur astronomers can see a CME when it is ejected but they have no idea where it is headed or at what speed. NASA has satellites that watch the sun and through the use of triangulation, they can tell where a CME is headed and the speed it is going and can foretell the time a CME is to hit. With the population being told that a CME was to hit at a given time it would be almost impossible to convince the populous that it was not a CME but rather an EMP if an EMP were to be set off at the point and time of a projected time that a CME was to hit. They could hit Houston, for example, with a low small atomic bomb but yet high enough to be undetected as a bomb, and being Houston was on the water a lot of it could be over water and it would look like it was the size of a CME which can be quite small compared to an EMP. These preparations for a CME prompted me to look for other preparations. I found a number of discriminating things going on.

The Mexican highway across north Mexico was being built and was slated for a completion date of Oct 15th. This was very revealing since it was slated to be completed at the forecast time the solar maximum was to be starting. That highway was to go from the West Coast of Northern Mexico through the mountains with some of the most impressive bridges and tunnels almost as far as the East Coast of Mexico. Trucks are to be able to go from a port on the west coast of Mexico to the East side of Mexico just South of the border of the US in a number of hours.

The United States and China did joint operations in Hawaii in preparation for any big catastrophic event wherein we were to use the Chinese to help with the control of the affected people with supplies and troops. The first guard could be there within hours after a request for help by way of the highway. Ships could be there not long after by coming through the Panama Canal. Not only could the ships bring men and supplies to occupy Texas but they could take back persons interested in escaping the hell hole Houston would become because of an EMP. Those persons looking at boarding ships could be taken to the ‘Ghost Cities’ constructed in China, evidently built to accommodate refugees (new unwitting slaves). 

The government did a testing of the emergency response system for the control of the national grid. And the persons involved in the present control of the grid were told that if there was an emergency the controllers were to give total control to the government so it could turn off or on different parts of the country as they saw fit. After a hit like that described above, such control would be needed to control the country and especially Texas so that information could be better controlled. Obama then later moved the control of the grid from Texas to a more liberal state.

The time for the solar disturbance came and was going by with nothing happening. It made me wonder. Then in Feb. one of the largest solar flares in twenty-some years came around the left edge of the sun. It contained all the gamma rays and such which are required to produce a disastrous CME if it were to hit the earth. Scientists said there would surely be many CMEs and the Obama administration only needed one to set its plan into action. The naked eye could see the solar flare before sunset but it had not produced a single CME. Scientists were flabbergasted and could not believe it. The question then became “What would happen to the solar flare as it passed on the back side of the sun? Would it come back around? Very unlikely.” But it did come back 

around a second time. And again scientists said there would surely be many CMEs. There were all the conditions necessary for such CMEs but again not one. Scientists just could not believe such a thing could happen.

The proof that the communists did plan such an attack is in the fact that God saw to it there was no CME. NOT A ONE. All they needed was one for then they could falsify the projections to have it hit where they needed it to hit at the time they needed it. If you go online to find the evidence of such goings on it has been eliminated. Such a solar flare should be very much in the news. This is another big proof of what was being planned and how God had stepped in the way. As time goes on they will be able to more easily do away with the evidence but there will still be someone with the proof.

This episode convinced me beyond any doubt that Obama would go to any length to take control. I was trying to get the Republican Party to impeach Obama for all he had done and even though I was working with one of the most conservative counties in the conservative state of Texas I was opposed. They would not approve it.

After the failed attempt which told Obama that God could and would protect us at some point, Obama sent troops to Texas in an operation called Jade Helm. This was to be a make-believe operation that would designate Texas as an enemy state and carry out nighttime operations among the population. They are headquartered a short distance from the state capital. The Texas governor brought the national guard in to monitor the situation. Patriots were concerned that the nighttime troops might take citizens to prosecute them. It was a terrorist attack. My wife and I went to the counties that were to be targeted to try and convince them to refuse to allow the infringement on the rights of their constituents. No one did anything that we could see to stop the invasion. This was definitely and completely outside of normalcy.

The speaker of the house, John Boehner, was setting his position while allowing Obama and the Clintons to do as they pleased with nothing being done. Clinton’s emails were swept under the rug. No one was doing anything about this communist takeover.

I studied Hitler’s takeover of Germany while I was in high school. It amazed me that people just sat and let it all happen. Some people were realistic enough to get out but very few did so.

Well, I decided it was time to get out. I told my wife we were going to move to Ecuador after our daughter Angela was married. We would move there to establish a home so others could follow. People said, oh that is stupid. They said the president of Ecuador was a communist and he was. But the people there had demonstrated against him and one city tried to arrest him but he barricaded himself so the military could get there to rescue him. The people of Ecuador were not just sitting there. People said we should go and check it out. So we bought tickets to go see the country. We had a big garage sale and bought a container to store things in so we could lease our house for income. This was not a pipe dream to me. We would go.

Then Boehner, the Speaker of the House, asked Pope Francis to come speak to the House and Senate. The House was putting pressure on Boehner to get him to step down. While the pope spoke Boehner cried (which they said he did normally) but the important thing is that the next day Boehner resigned. We were ready to fly to Ecuador so we made the trip which was good but I realized then that things had changed and it was not because of man but because of God.

Shortly after this incident with Boehner, Putin came to the US supposedly because of conflicts in Syria. The game had changed. Obama had betrayed Russia by putting the Muslims first by supporting ISIS.  And of course, Putin knew that. Obama had shown that he was a Muslim and not a Christian. Obama had acted in such a way that had jeopardized his taking over the US and he had pushed God into standing against him on the solar flares. Putin knew these things. The Associated Press had a picture of Putin standing and waiting on Obama while Obama was entering the room. The picture was worth a million words. Putin’s look was, “You slimy animal.” and Obama’s look was that of a whipped dog. That told me things had changed and Obama was on his way out. Not from men because men would not act but because of God’s intercession. Our family move to Ecuador was, gladly, off.

People chastise me for saying that God had blessed this or that. They say how do you know the mind of God? Well, when the Israelites came up to the Red Sea and it was parted it would have been pretty stupid to say, “ No, I am going to sit here and wait. I am not sure God has anything to do with this.” When the sun, controlled by God alone, fails to perform according to its natural laws and saves a nation from a totalitarian takeover, then it seems to me pretty Godless to say one does not know the mind of God in this instant. When things go contrary to the laws of nature, when the enemy fails to achieve what he is working towards and whereas he has always moved forward but is exposed in the process it is pretty obvious to me the Hand of God is in the works.

Then Trump came along and accomplished the impossible (obviously with the help of God) they tried to get rid of him every step of the way but only made fools of themselves. Then Trump wins the second-term election in a landslide but there were obvious, crooked maneuvers and Trump was put out by foul play. So, one might ask, where is the hand of God you have been talking about? I believe it is still there. 

Since the writing of this letter to my conservative customers after the Biden’s takeover the enemy has had control of the Presidency, Vice Presidency, the House, and the Senate, and has had the Supreme Court buffaloed so they would not work since the top blackmailer of all time was still at work and what did it get them but an opportunity to make fools of themselves. Yes, I say with help from the hand of God. It is said that the top blackmailer died by hanging himself, which could be a fact of life as he would have reason for regret. We see some politicians turn around and the conspirators couldn’t count on anything.

Anything could happen. Biden could tell his handlers, “You’re not going to put me away,  I will put you away.”

What a wake-up call!

In May of 2023 the first ever United Sates Citizen’s incorrupt body was exhumed. Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster was a holy nun in a cloistered convent going to a traditional Latin Mass. What a wake-up call to the so-called, Catholics in political positions including the President of the United States.

So, yes, the best may be yet to come. God is good.

P.S. When the conspiracy gets concerned that they are liable to lose control they play the “Alien Card” figuring that if things get really bad for them they can fain an alien takeover as a means of keeping control. So when you hear such stories being circulated you can realize the communists are getting nervous.

Corona-Virus Debate

We have a very diverse set of positions in this country that are dominated by a number of situations such as: what TV programming is being watched; with which church one is affiliated; whether one is conservative or socialist; and whether one is a democrat or republican.

We are mostly concerned with the difference between a democracy and a republic with the main point being that our country is to be a republic and not a democracy.

Let’s show which form of government would back which position. The main issue is, how far do you go to fight a virus?

Those standing for a republic, firstly and fore-mostly want to stay within the framework of the law, while looking after individual rights. Lives are critical but within boundaries. People are allowed to drive cars and at high speeds even though deaths will occur and will do so especially at higher speeds. The well-being of the total society is taken into account. A value is put on life in dollars and cents so one can get a better handle on how much should be spent on such things as guardrails. A republic tends to take things as they come and not do a bunch of forward planning because so much can be wasted in time and money.

Democracy, on the other hand, is ideally looking to represent the people, as opposed to the law (constitution) but in reality, the man representing the democracy almost always has his own agenda. A representative of democracy quite often believes in socialism which is treasonous to a republic because socialism stands against the constitution which is there to safeguard the rights of the people. A democracy is interested in buying as many votes as it can (with state funds). Being inclined to socialism, a democracy usually does not mind doing something which will support the downfall of free-enterprise so they can, theoretically, institute a more perfect socialistic society.

So when it comes to shutting down businesses, for whatever reason especially if one can claim that lives are at stake, those who are representative of democracy will work to extend the shut-down and the representative of a republic will work to restore life to normalcy in order to safeguard individual rights and protect the economy.

Corona-Virus Debate

We have a very diverse set of positions in this country dominated by a number of situations such as: what tv programming is being watched; which church one is affiliated; whether one is conservative or socialist; and whether one is democrat or republican.

This blog is mostly concerned with the difference between a democracy and a republic with the main point being that our country is to be a republic and not a democracy.

Let’s show which form of government would back which position. The main issue is, how far do you go to fight a virus?

Those standing for a republic, firstly and foremostly want to stay within the framework of the law, while looking after individual rights. Lives are critical but within boundaries. People are allowed to drive cars and at high speeds even though deaths will occur and will do so especially at higher speeds. The well-being of the total society is taken into account. A value is put on life in dollars and cents so one can get a better handle on how much should be spent on such things as guard rails. A republic tends to take things as they come and not do a bunch of forward planning because so much can be wasted in time and money.

Democracy, on the other hand, is ideally looking to represent the people, as opposed to the law (constitution) but in reality, the man representing the democracy almost always has his own agenda. A representative of democracy quite often believes in socialism which is treasonous to a republic because socialism stands against the constitution which is there to safeguard the rights of the people. A democracy is interested in buying as many votes as it can (with state funds). Being inclined to socialism a democracy usually does not mind doing something which will support the downfall of free-enterprise so they can theoretically institute a more perfect socialistic society.

So when it comes to shutting down businesses, for whatever reason especially if one can claim lives are at the stack, those who are representative of democracy will work to extend the shut-down and the representative of a republic will work to restore life to normalcy in order to safeguard individual rights and protect the economy.

Any new situation takes some time in order to get one’s feet under him so he can react properly. Some people are quicker than others. Additionally, of course, there are those who know ahead of time what is coming and what is being planned if a certain type of thing happens. It is not socially acceptable to talk about conspiracy because you have to point fingers at people. Also if one has a high degree of education one has it highly ingrained not to allow conspiratorial ideas to be put forward. But I think most Americans can remember 9/11 and I do not think it is important to describe what that means because it is so ingrained into men’s minds after all the brain-washing that went on at the time. It was a conspiracy which ran a lot deeper and concerned many more than just the people flying the planes.

A key to understanding terrorism is understanding the thinking of the terrorists. The organized terrorist is not so interested in destroying buildings and or killing people. One of the statements which tell what terrorism is run thus: “The action is in the reaction.” In other words, they are interested in forming your reaction so they can accomplish their goal. They were attacking our country, not the trade center. And the purpose was to turn our government into our enemy by changing the government so that it takes away our constitutional rights. The terrorists have won the war on terrorism. The terrorists managed to take a good deal of our freedoms.

If one will look at this coronavirus situation and compare it to 9/11 one can easily see the similarities. The Hype. The shutting-down of the nation. Most people thought they would have a hard time accepting that what is going on now is a terrorist attack.

The virus, I believe, was not purposely released but that could be debated especially in China. But the news media’s part in all of it is quite obvious. They have built all the hype to drive the reaction. Remember, The Action is in the Reaction. So the essential terrorist, in this case, is the news media. Yet the number one perpetrator was the Imperial College of London who produced the COVID Act Now Model, which was used to push unsuspecting politicians into acceptance of the model and then to carry out the shutting down of the economy. The organization had said; “this model is designed to drive fast action, not predict the future.” But that is not what the president and governors were told. The organization had run this hoax before, with other viruses including Ebola, SARS, MERSA, etc. They were looking for the right situation to turn into a perceived pandemic. The web site that better shows what went on is;

What needs to be done is for us to get back to work. The enemies will face the consequences in due time.

Corona-Virus Debate

We have a very diverse set of positions in this country dominated by a number of situations such as: what tv programming is being watched; which church one is affiliated; whether one is conservative or socialist; and whether one is democrat or republican.

This blog is mostly concerned with the difference between a democracy and a republic with the main point is that our country is to be a republic and not a democracy.

Let’s show which form of government would back which position. The main issue is, how far do you go to fight a virus?

Those standing for a republic, firstly and foremost want to stay within the framework of the law, while looking after individual rights. Lives are critical but within boundaries. People are allowed to drive cars and at high speeds even though deaths will occur and will do so especially at higher speeds. The well-being of the total society is taken into account. A value is put on life in dollars and cents so one can get a better handle on how much should be spent on such things as guard rails. A republic tends to take things as they come and not do a bunch of forward planning because so much can be wasted in time and money.

Democracy, on the other hand, is ideally looking to represent the people, as opposed to the law (constitution) but in reality, the man representing the democracy almost always has his own agenda. A representative of democracy quite often believes in socialism which is treasonous to a republic because socialism stands against the constitution which is there to safeguard the rights of the people. A democracy is interested in buying as many votes as it can (with state funds). Being inclined to socialism a democracy usually does not mind doing something which will support the downfall of free-enterprise so they can theoretically institute a more perfect socialistic society.

So when it comes to shutting down businesses, for whatever reason especially if one can claim lives are at stack, those who are representative of democracy will work to extend the shut-down and the representative of a republic will work to restore life to normalcy in order to safeguard individual rights and protect the economy.

Any new situation takes some time in order to get one’s feet under him so he can react properly. Some people are quicker than others. Additionally, of course there are those who know ahead of time what is coming and what is being planned if a certain type of thing happens. It is not socially acceptable to talk about conspiracy because you have to point fingers at people. Also if one has a high degree of education one has it highly ingrained not to allow conspiratorial ideas to be put forward. But I think most Americans can remember 9/11 and I do not think it is important to describe what that means because it is so ingrained into men’s minds after all the brain-washing that went on at the time. It was a conspiracy which ran a lot deeper and concerned many more than just the people flying the planes.

A key to understanding terrorism is understanding the thinking of the terrorists. The organized terrorist is not so interested in destroying buildings and or killing people. One of the statements which tells what terrorism is runs thus: “The action is in the reaction.” In other words they are interested informing your reaction so they can accomplish their goal. They were attacking our country not the trade center. And the purpose was to turn our government into our enemy by changing the government so that it takes away our constitutional rights. The terrorists have won the war on terrorism. The terrorists managed to take a good deal of our freedoms.

If one will look at this coronavirus situation and compare it to 9/11 one can easily see the similarities. The Hype. The shutting-down of the nation. Most people thought would have a hard time accepting that what is going on now is a terrorist attack.

The virus, I believe, was not purposely released but that could be debated especially in China. But the news media’s part in all of it is quite obvious. They have built all the hype to drive the reaction. Remember, The Action is in the Reaction. So the essential terrorist, in this case, is the news media. Yet the number one perpetrator was the Imperial College of London who produced the Covid Act Now Model, which was used to push unsuspecting politicians into acceptance of the model and then to carry out the shutting down of the economy. The organization had said; “this model is designed to drive fast action, not predict the future.” But that is not what the president and governors were told. The organization had run this hoax before, with other viruses including Ebola, SARS, MERSA, etc. They were looking for the right situation to turn into a perceived pandemic. The web site that better shows what went on is;

What needs to be done is for us to get back to work. The enemies will face the consequences in due time.

Collectivism – Socialism – Communism

In reading a report from The International Man, a publication of Doug Casey, entitled Infectious Insanity, he talks about why so many young people in particular are going for collectivism. After reading the article, which impressed me, my understanding of what has been going on in this world made so much more sense. So for this article, it was off to the computer dictionary. The best definition was as follow:
The principles or system of ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively, usually under the supervision of a government.
The socialistic theory or principle of centralization of all directive social and industrial power, especially of control of the means of production, in the people collectively, or the state: the opposite of individualism.
The doctrine that land and capital should be owned by society collectively or as a whole; communism.
More at Wordnik from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

But the first definition to be found was:


Collectivism is a value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over the self. Individuals or groups that subscribe to a collectivist worldview tend to find common values and goals as particularly salient and demonstrate greater orientation toward in-group than toward out-group. Wikipedia

The enemy has gotten to the Wikipedia definition and written it to sound idealistic. The definition from Wordnik is more realistic and does clue one into what is going on in society. Wikipedia says: “greater orientation toward in-group than toward out-group.” No wonder there is so much division and no concern for the other man. Freedoms are disreguarded. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are disreguarded since those documents are like cops are to robbers. All is to be sacrificed for the whole. This is their ideal but in reality only government can steal from one group and give to another group, without someone facing a prison sentence. So in reality, collectivists are supporting either socialism or communism. They deny other people’s rights, thinking they will gain, when in reality they will be enslaved or worse yet sent to a Siberian-type prison because they are vagrants. And these same collectivists will complain once things do not work out the way they had planned. They will have been working to take away other people’s rights and in the process will also have lost their own rights.

Doug Casey’s article was very good in that he explained how people go for such an idea. First of all there is a problem with ethics in that people are interested in taking something from someone else. As Mr. Casey points out, people who are down and out cannot figure that they will ever be able to have part of the wealth around them and are very prone to accepting such an ideology, of spreading the wealth around. Many young people have been, for quite a few years, unable to get jobs and have been living in their parents’ basements. After a good amount of time living in such dispare, they start dreaming of how they could get some of the wealth that is all around them. Mr. Casey points out that this is why Venezuela went so strongly into socialism – communism.

With the present unemployment being so low a great deal can change as these young people become employed and can see that they can be a part of society without stealing their where-with-all. This makes me think that maybe President Kennedy better understood what he was doing than what I had thought at the time in that he started the Peace Corps to get the young people to work and off the streets.

One of the things learned from Mr. Casey’s article is the difference between collectivism and socialism. Collectivism is a personal possession, basically “me, me, me, and forget you” (and how is this going to work without the government taking the wealth) whereas socialism is more “up with the state and forget you” (usually because they think the state will take care of them) but the state will take care of itself and the crooked politicians in the same way as has happened in Venezuela.

Mr. Casey thinks there is no way to avert the direction collectivism is going. I say there is a way to avert the situation, as employment is already changing some of the direction, education can also help change the course.

I believe God can and does change men’s hearts.

Out of the Depths of Sorrow

One usually thinks of the early immigrants to North America as being those who came to this country as fortune hunters but that phase of the immigration to this country came after it had proven to be the land of the free and home of the brave. Even then the immigrants were sorrowful to be leaving their native country and families in order to find opportunity and freedom.

In the very beginning of the European immigration to North America the people were coming to escape persecution in politics and religion. The extreme conflict and sorrow that drives men to separate themselves from home and country was a very real experience for these pilgrims. Many died on their way here or lost loved ones who were coming with them. And once here, it was very hard to survive and establish one’s self in a somewhat comfortable manner. Some of the first pilgrim colonies did not survive as all of the pilgrims died. 

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History’s Lessons

With almost 2000 years of recorded history, our forefathers had a great deal to learn from history. Plus they had a pretty clean slate to start with and as a result they could do whatever they needed to establish this new country.

The people had made it clear that they were free and that is the way they intended to stay. The job was to frame a government which would serve the people and not anyone else. Not only in the present but future peoples and organizations were to be held in check so that the people would remain free. Free to do as they wished as long as they did not infringe on someone else. Continue reading →

Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy

PoliticsCommentary Taken from the Daily Signal a publication of The Heritage Foundation


Why We Are a Republic, Not a Democracy

Walter E. Williams / January 17, 2018 / comments

The Founding Fathers designed a system that places heavy checks on the power of the majority.

Commentary By

Portrait of Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

Hillary Clinton blamed the Electoral College for her stunning defeat in the 2016 presidential election in her latest memoirs, “What Happened.”

Some have claimed that the Electoral College is one of the most dangerous institutions in American politics.

Why? They say the Electoral College system, as opposed to a simple majority vote, distorts the one-person, one-vote principle of democracy because electoral votes are not distributed according to population.

To back up their claim, they point out that the Electoral College gives, for example, Wyoming citizens disproportionate weight in a presidential election.

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Put another way, Wyoming, a state with a population of about 600,000, has one member in the House of Representatives and two members in the U.S. Senate, which gives the citizens of Wyoming three electoral votes, or one electoral vote per 200,000 people.

California, our most populous state, has more than 39 million people and 55 electoral votes, or approximately one vote per 715,000 people.

Comparatively, individuals in Wyoming have nearly four times the power in the Electoral College as Californians.

Many people whine that using the Electoral College instead of the popular vote and majority rule is undemocratic. I’d say that they are absolutely right. Not deciding who will be the president by majority rule is not democracy.

>>> Liberals Claim Electoral College Is Biased. Here Are the Facts.

But the Founding Fathers went to great lengths to ensure that we were a republic and not a democracy. In fact, the word democracy does not appear in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any other of our founding documents.

How about a few quotations expressed by the Founders about democracy?

In Federalist Paper No. 10, James Madison wanted to prevent rule by majority faction, saying, “Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Edmund Randolph said, “That in tracing these evils to their origin, every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.”

Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

The Founders expressed contempt for the tyranny of majority rule, and throughout our Constitution, they placed impediments to that tyranny. Two houses of Congress pose one obstacle to majority rule. That is, 51 senators can block the wishes of 435 representatives and 49 senators.

The president can veto the wishes of 535 members of Congress. It takes two-thirds of both houses of Congress to override a presidential veto.

To change the Constitution requires not a majority but a two-thirds vote of both houses, and if an amendment is approved, it requires ratification by three-fourths of state legislatures.

Finally, the Electoral College is yet another measure that thwarts majority rule. It makes sure that the highly populated states—today, mainly 12 on the east and west coasts, cannot run roughshod over the rest of the nation. That forces a presidential candidate to take into consideration the wishes of the other 38 states.

>>> Why We Use Electoral College, Not Popular Vote

Those Americans obsessed with rule by popular majorities might want to get rid of the Senate, where states, regardless of population, have two senators.

Should we change representation in the House of Representatives to a system of proportional representation and eliminate the guarantee that each state gets at least one representative?

Currently, seven states with populations of 1 million or fewer have one representative, thus giving them disproportionate influence in Congress.

While we’re at it, should we make all congressional acts by majority rule? When we’re finished with establishing majority rule in Congress, should we then move to change our court system, which requires unanimity in jury decisions, to a simple majority rule?

My question is: Is it ignorance of or contempt for our Constitution that fuels the movement to abolish the Electoral College?


Los Vegas Terror Attack- An Attack on the Republic

The main point of this blog “What Democracy” is that this country is suppose to be a Republic and that the people as a rule believe this is suppose to be a Democracy so they elected officials who act and react like a Democracy. The way you control a Democracy is through extreme events. Like the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center. Which then brought about the government meddling in private affairs and the loss of personal liberties. A larger out of control government.

A video produced some 25-30 years ago named: No Place to Hide, The Strategy and Tactics of Terrorism, very will showed the different terror attacks at that time and interviewed a number of terrorist along with the review of the terrorist manuals to show that: The Action is in the Reaction. That is that the purpose of organized terrorism is not to kill maim and destroy but is rather to stampede the target country into actions which will weaken that country. The 9/11 attacks caused more lose of our freedoms than what we have seen in this country sense the founding of the Federal Reserve and Income Tax.

The way you control a Democracy is by actions which cause mob rule. In a country which understands it is a Republic and how a republic works terrorism brings about a resolve which goes against the terrorist not towards mob rule. So lets watch our reaction so we truly counter the enemy and not promote him and his purposes.

So remember The Action the terrorist is looking for is in the Reaction.